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vantages in efficiency and long-durability have been complimented by scientifically proven benefits of increased well-being, mood and significant health benefits.

The concept of Human Centric Lighting gains new perspectives in combination with LED lighting technology and this is predicted to manifest in strong growth within core LED illumination markets.

A recent study of LightingEurope and the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturer's Association (ZVEI) and A.T. Kearney led to enlightening findings regarding the mass potential of LED lighting technology in the field of human centric lighting (HCL) and mood lighting which promises to gain a significant portion of the global LED illumination market by 2020.

LED lighting technology has just bumped into an entirely new dimension of possibilities and benefits with the help of this study and similar research in the field of human-centric lighting.

Although the findings that outline the advantages of LED-based human centric lighting are not new or even necessarily surprising, they do promise an exciting future to the lighting industry and its consumers by establishing a causal relation between LED lighting and human well-being.

The conclusions drawn from this study therefore give shed some light on the mostly unexplored possibilities of LED technology, apart from those which allow for a more sustainable and efficient lighting approach than other lighting types and alternatives.

LED-Based Human Centric Lighting

For as long as we can recall, the lighting industry as a whole has focused its product placement, design, and marketing on fulfilling visual needs. In the more recent past, issues of sustainability and a need for more efficient energy sources has sparked a further interest in creating green lighting technologies, with LED technology of course at the forefront.

Now, as LED technology has already proudly marked its leading place in the global lighting industry as being the most efficient and green lighting solution to date, it has yet another positive and promising surprise for its users - LED lighting shows major potential in advanced controllability and its applications.

What is Human Centric Lighting?

The applications of LED's advanced controllability are a unique and interesting meeting point between Psychology and lighting technology, lighting the path for a non-invasive yet effective treatment to issues experienced by large sectors of the population, particularly in the northern hemisphere where natural daylight is scarce in winter months.

The interest group in human-centric lighting is not limited to those who experience longer winters, however:

As the global trend of urbanization leads to people spending more time indoors, a more heavy focus is placed on optimization of healthy indoor environments overall.

It is nevertheless in the northern hemisphere, that the potentially negative effects of unsuitable lighting settings has been most noticeable, as more time is spent with artificial lighting than is in the South.

As has long been established in psychological research, lighting has several potential influences on its users, ranging from disturbance of sleep cycles, mood disorders and even cancer pathologies.

Shocking statistics about the increase in mood disorders, anxieties, and inefficiency in the workplace over recent decades have opened public and political awareness of the potentials as well as the drawbacks of lighting in general. Yet, these findings have undergone a somewhat superficial treatment thus far, with rarely any grounded solutions linking more effective lighting to mental well-being.

Human-centric LED lighting studies bridge this gap and have opened up massive possibilities with highlighting the opportunities of combining advanced LED controllability with psychological research and thereby creating a causal relationship between the two, leading to solutions more effective than have ever been heard of before. Led on by the scientific discovery of a third eye photoreceptor which proved the effects on circadian rhythms to certain light conditions, both academia and the LED lighting industry have discovered ways in which LED lighting can lead to improved overall well-being, enhanced concentration at the workplace or elsewhere, and control sleep and waking cycles effectively.

Human-centric LED mood lighting enhances well-being in two distinct but related ways:

Firstly, it can be optimized to effectively stimulate the organism biologically which leads to improved cognitive performance, which already proves itself in various educational settings such as classrooms.

Secondly, LED-based human centric lighting can emotionally stimulate by creating emotionally appealing and stimulating atmospheres, leading to improved positive emotions.

LED Technology Dominates Market

LED lighting industry is expected to gain 90 percent of the market share for human-centric lighting due to the increased level of attention and significance awarded to the field of human-centric lighting.

As human-centric mood lighting is effective and crucial for a large variety of environments, such as homes, school, offices, hospitals or commercial buildings, it is expected to soon make up a large proportion of the LED lighting industry as a whole. Especially for the European market, human-centric LED lighting is bursting with potential and will likely revolutionize lighting infrastructure and applications in the near future.

Whereas human-centric LED mood lighting is now already employed in commercial centers, it will penetrate the health, office and education sectors first. By 2020, this state-of-the-art LED lighting technology application should dominate educational environments in Europe.

These developments and the merging of LED lighting technology with scientifically based human-centric approaches offers opportunities not solely for manufacturers of LED lighting but will also open many windows of opportunity for other sectors, such as engineering, architecture, software providers etc.

The installation of these complex solution designs will be great business opportunities for many enterprises, with primary focus on building renovations. Western and central Europe may be the largest predicted market of LED-based human-centric lighting with an estimated 75 percent by 2020, it is also expected to be followed closely by Northern Europe, Southern Europe and finally Eastern Europe.

As government support in major projects rise and investments increase, public, private and commercial installations will very soon be rewarded with the health benefits of human-centric LED lighting technology.

For more news on this topic follow us on our social media channels for frequent updates on LED human centric lighting technology and advanced LED mood lighting.


Feel free to contact our friendly sales team for more information regarding our LED lighting at 410-841-9030!



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